
So there it is. The first post! I am really excited and I hope that this will turn out as really good. So to start off, I wanted just to quickly talkt you through some major things - for example what I will be covering, where I am from and so on - and of course to introduce myself properly.
To start right away - my name is Lee, some might even call me Mellie, since this is my real name, however, here I am. I am from Austria and currently studying, eventhough I will probably change the subject of my studies and do something more fun. I am 20 years old, a huge Make-Up Geek and somehow really into fandoms e.g. Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Sherlock and many others.

And what is this all about? As you probably can tell from the name of the blog, this will be all about Make-Up and other beauty products. There will be a different range of products and sometimes there even will be trends that are still ongoing. And to make it more fun: there will be challenges, what to do with the make up etc. Rest assured that almost every money I spend on Make-Up is worked hard for! There is no sponsoring in any particular way (even if I would wish for it) and I choose my products very very concously.

I hope you'll be interested and make sure to comment if you have any questions or whishes for some posts! So stay tuned guys!


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